predictive autoimmunity & symptom reversal

autoimmune reversal predictive autoimmunity predictive medicine Apr 19, 2022

There is a very long list of the kinds of medicine. Biological medicines, homeopathic medicine, personalized medicine, but have you ever heard of predictive medicine? 

I have a theory that almost everyone is in a state of pre-autoimmunity at this very moment! Most people are diagnosed with one or more of the following diseases in their lifetime; heart disease, cancer, or autoimmunity. 

Did you know that conventional medicine doesn't diagnose most diseases, such as autoimmunity until they are full-blown with little hope of reversal? 

However, did you also know that autoimmunity begins 5, 10, 15, and sometimes even 20 years in advance of a full-blown diagnosis? 

There are cutting-edge functional lab testing that most licensed physicians of conventional medicine have never even heard of, let alone know how to order or interpret. Crazy, eh? 

One would think they would learn everything there is about targeting prevention and root causes, but instead, they spend the majority of their time studying disease mapping and pharmaceuticals. 

In fact, most nurses get more nutrition than your local doctor. Most licensed physicians take 1-4 hours max of nutrition. It's actually about 1-2 hours on average.

Four hours is extremely generous for most med schools these days. This is because med school curriculum is dictated by the American Medical Association (AMA), which is heavily sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry.

Is everything starting to make sense? 

Don't get me wrong. I have respect for conventional medicine! It's great for acute, and emergency care, but dismal at preventing and predicting autoimmunity!

If you want to check your predictive autoimmunity and prevention options, book a discovery call with me below!